It's the Cover Up, Stupid!
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Exhibits ACPOC Syndrome
The DOJ continues to be in the news, with a current focus on the firings of some 8 District Attorneys (DA) by the Bush Administration. As with many public scandals, the issue is not so much the act, but the coverup. As experts have stated, these DA appointments "served at the pleasure of the president". So in theory there should be no serious issue, or at least no criminal issue with respect to there firings. Why were these District Attorneys fired? Some have claimed that the administration was not pleased with the prosecutorial focus of the DAs , that they investigated / prosecuted politicians (a/k/a lawyers) which the Administration desired to protect.
Apparantly the supreme Attorney General for the nation Alberto R. Gonzales, the protector of "we the people", has chosen to abandon us through the firing of the DA's who were going after attorneys even if they had broken the law. This is similar to when a judge will allow a client's attorney to resign from a case because that attorney does not want to disclose facts which could get his brethren attorney, the opposing counsel, in trouble. Abandonment of the Client for the Protection of Opposing Counsel (ACPOC) Syndrome can rear its ugly head in a variety of circumstances.
The issue here is not could the DAs be fired, or why they were fired. The issue is the cover up. At most, it was cheezy to fire them. But to lie to the public about the acts is a cover up. Alberto Gonzalez number one problem for now is the cover up issue. Let's remember about the tolerance in the U.S. for a cover up: